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Bridesburg PA Auto Accident Recovery

Bridesburg, PA Auto Injury TreatmentIn the past few years, we've treated many men and women with auto injury symptoms in our Bridesburg, PA office. Chiropractic is the perfect approach to these kinds of injuries, and some studies have shown that more than 90% of patients show improvement after a car accident when getting chiropractic care.

An accident subjects your body to sudden, intense movement that it isn't intended to handle. Because of the severe forces you're exposed to, the ligaments, tendons, nerves, and muscles of the body can be stretched, sprained, or torn during a crash. This can result in persistent pain and impairment if not dealt with promptly.

From our practical experience and success treating these types of cases, we've seen these common signs and symptoms in our patients:

  • Headaches - Practically every auto accident patient in our clinic reports headache, and this can have a wide array of causes, depending on the type of injury you had.
  • Low back pain - Yet another common problem in men and women and particularly after a car wreck.
  • Neck problems - Your cervical spine is one of the most sensitive areas of the body in a car wreck, and it can easily be sprained. In point of fact, most symptoms that develop after a wreck can be specifically attributed to injuries of the neck.
  • Shoulder problems - Your shoulder joint can be damaged by the seatbelt, the strains on your arm during a crash, or can be a secondary symptom triggered by neck injury.
  • Jaw pain - Jaw symptoms (or TMJ pain) are another common problem we see in our Bridesburg, PA patients, and can be tricky to diagnose. Occasionally TMJ problems doesn't show up for many weeks or months after your injury.
  • Radiating pain - Radiating pain can be diagnosed by numbness or prickling in your arms, hands, or legs, and many auto accident patients suffer from this problem.
  • Vertigo or Dizziness - This is a challenging symptom that can also have a wide array of origins. In most cases, we find that neck trauma is the primary cause of this symptom.
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome - This is another problem triggered by damage to your neck during a crash.

If you're encountering any of these symptoms after an accident, give our clinic a call. It's important for you to know that you don't have to suffer! Chiropractic care is a safe, effective, and non-invasive approach that works for these types of accidents.

If you've been injured recently, it's important that you seek treatment right away. Untreated injuries can lead to reduced range of motion and the formation of scar tissue, and that can lead to long-term pain and impairment. Studies show that early, gentle mobilization of the damaged tissues can boost recovery and prevent long-term problems.

Our clinic is conveniently located in Bridesburg, PA, and we would love to help you get back on the road to recovery. Give us a call today at (215) 743-5330 for an appointment.